Monday, August 23, 2010

If it ain’t broke…

You’ve heard of Dr. Zhivago.

Dr. No.

Dr. Evil.

And how about everyone’s favorites McSteamy & McDreamy?

Well, meet McFamiliar.

This is Jim Friedman, my former pediatrician, who will also be Lil Miss’ doctor.

I “interviewed” him Friday morning. I’m using quotes, because I pretty much knew I wanted him to be her physician. The déjà vu came on strong as I walked through the primary colored lobby, past the animal themed exam rooms and into Dr. Friedman’s wood paneled office decked out with pictures of his granddaughter.

We talked about what will happen on her birthday and the immediate weeks thereafter. We discussed breast versus bottle feeding, and he gave me some good advice about being positive and flexible. Overall, he confirmed that yes; I did indeed want him to be her pediatrician. I know she will be as comfortable with him as I am.

Hey, if it ain’t broke?

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